the anually curtin international night felt on last week. as the ticket mentioned above, the dress code is our own local costume...but...where can i get the chinese cheongsam??? i just wear jeans and t-shirt...the party was in Piasau Boat is a beach how exited am i since i never been in beach at night...TSUNAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see....they were in their traditional costume except me...we were really crazy at that night...we watched performances by the students and the most important thing for me was the food...hahahaha...
this rania...from Maldives...she always tell other people that im her silly buddy.....aiks....
next....deng..deng..deng..deng.... oja...miss international night 2007....from Nigeria......
this is amanda...she was in her iban costume....pretty???.....
this is li ming....erm.....if im not mistaken....she was wearing kadazan costume....
coming next.....this is shae nee....i think she comes from semenanjung..........................
fuh yoh!! lar...this dai goh called guy..........