Coming to the end of this semester, i finally completed my physics lab session. still fresh in mind where the previous lab was doing something about prism and the angle angles thingy.......i admit that this was the most serious lab i attended before....feel embarrass cuz i never been serious and concentrate in physics lab before...shhhhh......dont let ms hashimah hear it...........
suppose this photo is perfect...but....haiz...look at the green colour thingy...i speechless man....
im not kissing the prism actually....u think i veli free kar??..erm....actually ya...really free during the lab.....swt...=.=|||...........
again...i am not glazing on it...i just have a thought that whether the prism can eat or not...without food ya....for me..i couldn't live man.........
this is a safety equipment in the lab....used to wash eyes...wet the body...and..the like.....but....these only for emergency lar....observe.......i was holding the ..hehe......guess wat...if i pull.........imagine mean........
imagine again...... if i have the big no no!!!!! ...dun imagine scary......