~ derek@ocmaster ~

怡保, 霹靂, Malaysia


blood donation drive....

this is my first time to donate my blood....in the morning...after i had a light breakfast..then i went to the AL100 lobby...

when the automatic sliding door open...huh......fuh yoh!!!!! the medicine smell is like...fuh yoh lar......get scared a while...kaka...im so chicken ya........

then i met samantha......i ask her to pose nicely but...look at her...kaka...she is cute .....i ask her..."are u scared??"..who knows she answered me..."this is not the first time i donate my blood..."............

MY TURN!!!!........im really chicken.....i was shouting..."MAMA!!"

look...."yakki!"..the first row is my blood.....A positive...the bottom row......i dunno it belongs to siapa...............................

finally.....i tak layak......they said.... "MR.OH..because you pierced the ear not more than half year...so..you failed...."

"fuh yoh"..next time then..enlarge this and check it out!!----^^
